๐Ÿ“šWhen is the next Grants Round?

Major changes to the Gitcoin quarterly Grants Rounds program

Historically, the Gitcoin Grants Rounds operate on a quarterly cadence. Governance approved the decision to sunset centralized grants (cGrants) and transition to the Gitcoin Grants Stack.

We began this transition by introducing the Alpha Test Season late 2022, where we began testing our new protocol with partner rounds and a Gitcoin-managed round. Sticking with our quarterly cadence, we have entered the Beta phase of testing.

Current Grants Round

  • GG19 just concluded.

Upcoming Grants Rounds

  • The next Gitcoin Grants round will run from April 23 - May 7th.

Previous Grants Rounds

  • GG19: November 15 - 29th

  • GG18: August 15 - 29th

  • Gitcoin Grants Beta Round: April 25th - May 9th 2023

  • Gitcoin Program Alpha Round: Jan 17 - 31, 2023

  • Fantom Round: Dec 12, 2022 - Jan 2, 2023

  • UNICEF Round: December 9-21, 2022

  • GR15: September 7-22, 2022

  • GR14: June 8-23, 2022

  • GR13: March 9-24, 2022

  • GR12: December 1-16, 2021

  • GR11: September 8-23, 2021

  • GR10: June 17-July 1, 2021

  • GR9: March 10-25, 2021

  • GR8: December 2-17, 2020

  • GR7: September 15-October 2, 2020

  • GR6: June 15-July 3, 2020

  • GR5: March 23-April 4, 2020

  • GR4: January 6-January 21, 2020

  • GR3: September 15- October 2, 2019

  • GR2: March 5-April 19, 2019

  • GR1: February 1-February 15 2019

Last updated